Take your first step.
Every journey has a beginning. Your journey with God doesn’t require planning & preparation, just a first step.
You matter.
God created us in His own image to enjoy a relationship with Him and has planned our life to be filled with meaning and purpose.
Begin your journey now.
Start a conversation.
Prayer is simply talking to God. He’s very interested in you and your well being. If you want to draw closer and have a relationship, start conversing with your Creator and He will respond.
Turn & commit to Him.
God is highly ethical, fair and possesses great character. He wants us to be similarly upstanding, especially in our interactions with others. Repenting is simply turning away from a life that is self-centered and living a life He’d be proud of.
Accept His name & wash away your past.
Jesus has provided you with a way to get a fresh start in life by cleansing your past. Baptism in His name is how you wash away your sin and set out on a new life’s journey with Him.
Receive His spirit to lead and guide your life.
Jesus wants to fill you with the Holy Spirit so he can communicate directly with you and instruct you along life’s journey. Spirit baptism is essential to having a close, personal relationship with the Creator and is why our bodies are called, “temples of the Holy Ghost”.
Go further faster.
Your journey with God lasts your whole life on Earth. The depth and commitment in your relationship to your Creator is up to you, like any relationship. Thankfully, God has shared with us how He likes to be approached and what expectations He has for us. Click the button below to access 15 condensed lessons to go further, faster with Him.