Our story.
We can’t wait to hear yours.
You belong here.
Christian Life Church is a place where all are welcome.
We believe in creating a culture where people can have authentic encounters with Jesus Christ, grow and mature in their walk with God, and experience the true Joy of living for Him.
Pastors Jeremy and Khrista Favors
CLC Belgium
In 2024 the Favors were called back from mission work overseas in Luxembourg to Belgium, Wisconsin. Today they are the Pastors of CLC in Belgium and would love to connect and be a blessing to you.
Pastors Steve & Shelli Harris
Original Founders CLC Belgium
In 2014 the Lord directed Steve and Shelli Harris to move from Texas to Wisconsin with their young family. Together, they planted the church in Belgium while serving as an Executive Pastor at CLC Mequon, and are grateful to have had such a lasting impact on so many lives.
Blessings and generosity.
Our building was bought and gifted by an out of state family who felt led by God.
The CLC was serving out of a local community center when God answered their prayers and orchestrated the gift of a church building. We are forever grateful to the out of state family who felt led of God to make this purchase and to the Lord Himself who “supplies every need”.
Grow & be the Church.
God is leading CLC to make more of a difference in Ozaukee county.
“For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.”
Matthew 25:35
A growing community.
We are a daughter campus of CLC Mequon in Mequon, Wisconsin.
The mother campus in Mequon, under Pastor Joe Hanthorn, cast the vision for daughter campuses and has helped support both by prayer and finances this growing daughter campus.