Servants not Kings

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. Mark 10:45 

Entrepreneur Josh Linkner wrote a column for Forbes under the title: “Great Startup CEOs Are Servants, Not Kings.” Over the course of his investing career, he said the duds in his portfolios had been led by grandiose personalities who talked big and acted like kings. The companies that performed best, he said, were led by servants—men and women who kept their heads down, their hands to the work, and who labored for the best interests of their employers and investors.

Servant leadership originated with Christ. While ministering on earth He provided a clear example of how to treat others. He came to serve rather than to be served.

It’s the little things—returning the shopping cart to its rack, smiling at the clerk behind the counter, picking up the phone to discuss a disagreement rather than sending an email, emptying the dishwasher, letting the other person have the last word, suppressing an exclamation of complaint—that make a difference.

Start filling your day with servant actions, and you’ll fill your life with blessings.

Being coachable and open to new ideas, with a bright outlook toward the future, will make you a servant leader. Josh Linkner


Stepping Stones of Faith


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