Supreme Savior

“Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name.”  Philippians 2:9

Sometimes it's easier to take just a piece of Jesus, rather than become a full-fledged Christ follower. Our Christ-less society demeans His deity and entreats people to adopt a more "comfortable" approach to Jesus: He was a humanitarian and a good teacher. Isn't it interesting that even religious people will rationalize and adjust theology to let them "have" Jesus, without letting Jesus "have" them? It's in fact a centuries-old problem. The writer of Hebrews appealed to first-century sects within Judaism who venerated angels instead of giving precedence to Jesus. Acceptance into their synagogues required the Jews to diminish Jesus to the status of a powerful angel--much less intimidating than the holy, righteous Son of God. How do you respond to the pressure of making people feel comfortable with the person of Jesus? Are you in danger of compromising His superiority? Or do you unequivocally give Jesus His rightful place as supreme ruler of heaven, earth, and your life? What you believe about Christ determines your destiny. It's a deal breaker. You either believe 100% in the supremacy of Jesus, or you don't. Give Him His rightful place in your life.


A Law to Live By


Toward Revival